Saturday, November 25, 2006


Here are some of my favorite bird shots.


I find pics of people are so much more capturing than anything else. I especially love face shots.


We come across some weird critters here in Africa: check out this caterpillar and his little squiggly tail.

I like this mushroom shot: it's just kinda creepy, isn't it?

Tanzania national rugby team playing Reunion (island off East coast of Africa) here in Arusha.

Friday, November 24, 2006


I like photography. Part of the reason I started this blog was simply to show people some of my pics. These are some of my favorites these days:

A red flower in our garden.

I stayed up late a couple nights ago taking advantage of the power being out. I used my cell phone as the only light source and put this glass off water on my black pants for a dark background. I was pretty pleased with some of the cool effects I got.

I couldn't believe how some of these pics came out of this little jumping spider! I'm very happy!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Digging for Jesus

Hebrews 11: I notice all these guys are so different. They are so dedicated to this one idea that they can’t see but that they know is there. They blindly follow him, and obey everything they hear him say. They are a family who knows there is treasure in this one place. They’ve never seen the treasure, or had proof of its existence; yet they dig for it, generation after generation. They dig, and dig for this treasure. Few see any reward, yet they pass the pic on to the next son. They are so sure it is there. They know. They are fully focused on it. It takes their whole mind, their whole life- this treasure. It’s all they can think of. They don’t care about this world. They listen to every whisper He tells them. If he says dig more this way, that’s where they’ll dig. Why? …becauses they know He is the treasure. He is the treasure calling them. They are such a weird family. This blind dedication is so rare, that it’s become weird. This obedience to a Sovereign one no matter what He says, is considered crazy these days. Faith has become something that people laugh at. “Faith is a cat chasing its tail.” “Faith is a wild goose chase.”

Lord, I want to join this club of crazy faith guys. I want follow after you. I want to dedicate my life to digging for you. I know-without a doubt- that you are there. I will keep digging for you, Lord. What an exciting adventure this is going to be. Life is an adventure. I love searching for you Lord. You’re the best treasure that can be searched for. I’m digging for you.